For Makers and Engineers

The entire community of makers, engineers, architects, designers, software developers, artists and craftsmen



Frequently Asked Questions

"Contact Us" for all your other questions

Who can use the application?

All makers, engineers, architects, designers, software developers, artists, and craftsmen can use the application.

What platforms does the app run on?

At the moment, the App only works fine on Android devices. The release date of the iOS version will be announced soon.

What is the cost of the app?

The application will be completely free, users will be able to access all features and content at no cost.

Why does the app need some permissions?

The app requests camera and file access for users to record and share media content, as well as store and manage their files.

Does the application collect data and how is this data used?

Your collected user information is kept securely in an encrypted manner and is never shared with anyone.

What languages are supported for the app?

The application, which is currently only available in Turkish and English, will be updated with new language packs in the future.

Is the app available worldwide?

Yes, the app is available for download and use worldwide.

Is my data secure?

Your data is treated with utmost security and is safeguarded from unauthorized access.

Can I use the app on multiple devices?

Yes, you can use the app on multiple devices with the same account.

How can I support the app?

You can support the app by providing feedback, rating it on app stores, and sharing it with others.

Are there regular updates for the app?

Yes, the app receives regular updates to improve performance and add new features.

What are the future plans for the app?

Future plans for the app include expanding to more platforms and enhancing user experience.

The only community of Makers and engineers that care about privacy and security

data is updated every month




Happy Users



How to use Projechat

User guide

Download and installation

You can register the application with your Projechat account or register with your Google/Github accounts.

Sign up for the app

You can search and download Projechat on google play and register in the next step. (Don't forget to rate :] )

Main Screen and Menus

In the application menu, you can either browse your home page, search for user posts or funds, chat, or look at the best projects on the map...

Basic Functions

It has many functions such as meeting people in the same job and hobby, competing for their own country on the map with their projects, funding each other's projects, and promoting their projects.

Settings and Personalization

Thanks to the settings and personalization options, users can customize and customize the application according to their preferences, such as language selection, notification settings, chat settings, account information and profiles.

Troubleshooting and Support

If you encounter an error or something wrong, you can contact us with 3 dots>contact>Mail in the application. You will be notified by an email when the issue is resolved. Please report the error to us.